Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thank you.

Come saturday and I will hit the big three.
Thirty they say is the new twenty. I doubt it. But then again, age is all in the mind or is it?
I know that I am aging in more ways than I can imagine everyday and yet in my head, I still feel no older or wiser than the girl I was as I stepped out of school years ago, ready to embrace the chaos of Life as a grown up and feeling very mature and brave. I still am a little girl at heart. Excited and full of life. The smart one that I was, I had my life planned out and then life happened and I am still aeons away from all that I intended to do with my life. But I have been blessed. And I hope to one day soon be all that I want to be and go see all the places I want to see with the people I want to be with.
I have so much to be grateful for and I am thankful.
For Life. Good health. The best of siblings and parents. The world I was born into though sometimes I whine and wish I was born on the other side of the world. The experiences I have had. The travel, the sights, the friends and relationships. Love and pain. Losing friends and family. Witnessing birth and celebrating new beginnings. The broken hearts and the blissful memories. The big crushes and the sweetest of affection. Disappointments and wonderful surprises. Life keeps surprising me and God, He has always reminded me that He loves me and cares for me. He provides for me all the time.
I am exceptionally lucky and blessed and I am eternally grateful. To my friends, my girls, my family and all the dear people who make my life worth living and waking up to everyday. My prayer is that God will bless you all and keep you in my life to bless me for the many years ahead. To share life and it's joys, to be a comfort and to be comforted. To be happy and to give happiness. This is my prayer. God bless you all.
And I wish for a life well lived and to be a blessing to all I come in contact with.
To look back on my journey in another three decades and still feel the same way about my life.
To continue living my dreams and look forward to life everyday.
With love and laughter and friends.
God bless us all.


  1. Happy birthday to you ! May God bless you ! To make people laugh ( and those who have a sense of humour will ) say that you are three.Don't mention the zero after that. Have a nice day !

  2. Dear Namrata,
    Thank you for the wishes.
    Sounds like a great idea.
    I plan to stay here for a long time :) at age 3 I mean.
    Take care.

  3. <3 yeah continue living my dreams and look forward to life everyday.thanks for sharing!!!

  4. Thank you Anonymous. Made my day!

  5. Thought provoking n delightful article

  6. :) mercy is a sweet soul.
