Sunday, July 7, 2013

Accidents of time.

Will anything fill up this emptiness?
The words unspoken.
I am trying to be strong.
But I don't know how to be anymore.
Should I grieve and mourn?
My heart is heavy and my tears ready.
Collateral damage of an inconsequential life.
It just wasn't your time or mine.
And here we go, smiling and eating and cooking
Like nothing ever happened.
But life has come to a standstill.
Something has died in me.
Your being became a momentary blip.
A faint flicker on the canvas of my space.
A part of my soul I gave up on.
In a universe that doesn't care.
And has made me equally uncaring.

Forgive me.
The crimes of my time.
The blood and the tears.
The folly of my age.
Accidents of recklessness.
My inability to be who I wanted to be.
And yet this is who I am.

Set me free.
From regret.
Fear and nightmares.
Grant me peace and another chance.


  1. D feeling of everything falling apart.... Everything Going down!!!!

  2. And this too shall pass thankfully.
    Thanks for visiting.
