One uncharacteristically hot april afternoon, my sister was awakened from her afternoon nap
by the heartbreaking mews of a kitten.
Thus began the search for the source of the unsettling cries.
Two buildings away, Nuna was lodged perilously on the ledge of an unkempt terrace.
When my sister finally got to him and picked him up, he opened his beautiful green eyes..and lo!hearts connected. My sister's friend (she's sort of a cat expert) pronounced him male.
So then, he became the fourth member of the family.
I came into the picture after his first month as the new family member
of our Delhi household, comprising of my sister, brother, me and a friend of my sister visiting us.
Dot was what we decided to called him but he would perk up when anyone said Nuna.
And those were the times when Korean flicks were the rage and so Nuna, he came to be called.
Our lives came to a standstill as he took center-stage.
Feeding him, cleaning up after his many poopy disasters (he never really got fully toilet trained) and of course, he was the most cutest creature I ever set eyes on, so he could do no wrong.
We watched him grow with great delight and faithfully chronicled his growth like adoring parents.
Well he was our baby alright.
We took turns to baby sit him and play with him.
To everyone's surprise, my nonchalant brother was charmed by his antics,
even when Nuna made his guitar case his favourite nap station.
And so Nuna grew on us.
He made Scratching posts out of every bare leg he saw. Demolished my glassware, flowers, socks and stockings.
His favourite past time was going through the trash and steealing food from the Fridge.
Was he smart? he could open the fridge. I dont know how.
Unfortunately, he was growing too big and out of control.
So one day, we took the sad decision of letting him go!
It was the hardest thing I had to ever do.
We spent many days debating what was the right thing to do.
Well. we had totally made a Naga out of him so he ate nothing but meat! and he was a real fussy eater.
The decision was made finally.
We took him out to Dilli Haat and the moment we let him out of the bag...whoosh....He disappeared!
We didnt even get a last glance.
All we had was now pictures!
Saddened and broken, and feeling bereaved, we headed back home!
Goodbye Nuna and Thank you for the delightful days you gave us!
We miss you!
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