Saturday, May 5, 2012

I used to...

Photo source: Internet

I used to rise with the sun.
I used to dream of love.
I used to chase butterflies.
I used to laugh and frolic.
I used to chatter and giggle.
I used to delight in simple joys.
I used to love dancing in the rain,
And feel the cool wet grass below my tiny feet.
I used to follow rainbows.
I used to have stars in my eyes and flowers in my hair,
But love left me.
Now I only cry into the night.
Loneliness and silence are my constant company.
I am broken and dead inside.
I used to be alive,
Now I’m only a soul-less empty shell.


  1. Only when your mind feels empty will you fill it with joy again
    Only when the night floats like an empty veil will the nightingales sing again in summer
    Only when you take the shell out of the water will it start making music
    Only when you stop wondering will you hear the heart beat of your companion.
